Let's Start with automation.

This post was written in 2017 as draft, but never published, not sure why, hence publishing it today as content seems good to me to to start with. 

Where to start? Big question? right, lets capture the basics - What if we can get the complete understanding of code in the same way as we get a dream picture created at the back of our minds as similar to novels we read in bed (librocubicularist, the one who reads in bed) , same concept, learn to code in bed.

Automation is the key aspect of our daily life today, key requirement is if you have to perform same steps daily, it's better automate it to get a better grip of your life with other important tasks.

Keep your calendar empty as much as possible of the daily activities that you perform in order to get more of your day with this fast changing world around you. 

This blog is my attempt to capture my learning as I move ahead with my knowledge gain in this direction, lets see where we can using this approach, I have tried many times learning new languages but always failed every-time and most importantly whenever I start again I have to start all over again, because all the learning is lost, this is an attempt to save all my learning online in Google's cloud to keep it safe, and readily available at just few clicks away always and forever.

To Automate means to create a procedure/application/program/product that can repeat same steps just at a click of a button or at a scheduled time. Lets take an example of daily activities that you perform regularly daily over your life-period. waking up daily, setting up your bed, cleaning yourself, getting ready for office, making/eating breakfast, commuting to office on weekdays, dropping your loved ones to their offices, heading to your office, checking your emails - personal/official, organizing all in the order of which that you'l action upon them and most importantly keeping a record of all the events that your performed and comparing it to the results, result set can be expected result or the results that were obtained from the previous iterations of these events. 

and many more to come, next would be End 2 End automation scenario with dotnet core, Specflow, nunit and Azure Pipelines. 
